2020 News
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MARCH 20 20 20 - The Grown Folkz Kids Show's GPS podcast show has an all-new season with fresh episodes! (3-20-20)
Hey Everyone! New Vidcasts and Podcasts are here for a new season. Please Go to our video and/or podcast tab and see our new stuff, along with listen to our older stuff cuz it's still good!
The Grown Folkz Kids Show's GPS podcast show will be podcasting at 2019 SpoCon! (8-2-19)
The GPS crew will podast at the 2019 SpoCon August 9-11th at the Historic Davenport Hotel downtown Spokane, Washington. Stay tuned for the postings of the show. Go to Our PODCAST Page for updates!
The Grown Folkz Kids Show's GPS podcast show is now up and running! (5-14-19)
Check out our Podcast for a crazier and wackier sessions and topics that everyone will love. This is the wilder side of these two mama basement dudez. You can go to our PodCast Page on this site for more info and/or go straight to our Podcast Website to listen to audio-only podcast. You can also watch the VIDCAST on our Youtube site and on this site's Podcast Page.
AUDIO: Grownfolkskidspodcast.podbean.com
VIDCAST: Grown Folks Kids Show YouTube Channel
The Grown Folkz Kids Show will be on its first TV station! (2-1-18)
How historic! We are airing our show on Spokane, Washington's local community station, CMTV Channel 14 - Community-Minded Television. Tune in every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday on Spokane's local TV channel 14 at 6:30pm to catch our show! CMTV FACEBOOK SITE
NorthWest production company Paradox release short film "Moon Knight."
Hey folks, our crew attended the short film release party and the Movie & Dinner Theatre in Airway Heights, Washington on January 27th, 2019- https://movieanddinner.com/ Great food, Great social, Awesome folks, LOVED the atmosphere. Check out the link to Paradox's Film... Moon Knight!
Check out MOON KNIGHT (fan film) https://youtu.be/al1ghRcPVdM